Painting an Accent Wall? Tips to Help You Get the Job Done

Accent walls are very trendy right now. Homeowners have tried everything from using paint to create a beautiful mountain landscape on the wall, to using wood and paint to create a unique design. No matter what type of accent wall you are thinking of creating, if you are considering an accent wall, there are a few things you should know in order to get this done. Read on for helpful tips to paint an accent wall yourself.

1. Consider the Space

Consider the space you are planning on creating the accent wall. Is it a small space? Is it a large wall? What is the room going to be used for? All of these questions should be asked before you attempt to paint an accent wall. For example, a small wall in your home may look silly with something too large painted on the wall. A larger wall would benefit from a large mural, but wouldn't look right with small painted accents, such as polka dots or small arrows. Consider the space before you paint, and use the right size accent for the wall you are planning on painting.

2. Consider the Effort

If you are planning on hand painting a wall in your home or using a stencil, consider how much effort this is going to take to do an entire wall. It may sound easy until you realize that it could take you a number of days to paint the accent wall with the design you've chosen. It may be too large of a job, so consider this before you tackle the biggest wall in your home or even the smallest wall. An accent wall can be a lot of work, which is why many homeowners contact painting contractors.

3. Consider the Trend

If you are thinking of painting a wall mural of mountains on your living room window, you may really love this look now. But how will you feel about this in a year from now or even two years from now? It is a lot of work to have to change it so quickly. If it is too trendy, you may not like it quite as much in a year or two. Consider something a little less trendy on your accent wall, that may withstand through the next trend.

If you are considering painting an accent wall in your home, use the tips above to help you get the job done. If you want an accent wall painted, hire a painting contractor to do the actual painting to make your accent wall dreams come true.
