Tips to Give You a Straight Line Along Your Ceiling

If you are going to be painting, the line along your ceiling and wall can be an area that may make your hands tremble. This is an area that most will notice when they walk into a room, so you want them to be as perfect as possible. If you are doing the painting yourself, there are things you can do to help give you the straight line you are looking for. Read More 

What Can Residential Painters Do For Your House?

The color of your house makes a statement. House paint can make your home pop visually. It can also protect your house from the elements. If your home is looking drab or you simply want to change its color, a residential painting service can handle every aspect of the job. Here are four things that residential painters can do for your house. 1. Remove old, chipped paint. Over time, house paint can become battered and worn by the elements. Read More